WEST CAPE MAY — The home at 110 Pacific Ave. is more evidence that West Cape May has held on to so many of the little secret charms that define a place. It’s been the […]
CAPE MAY POINT — Deputy Mayor Elise Geiger praised the Volunteer Fire Company during a meeting Feb. 11. “I met with the fire department president Lance to review their budget for 2025, and I wanted […]
WEST CAPE MAY — Carol Sabo has higher aspirations than serving as mayor of the borough, announcing Jan. 20 that she is running for a seat in the state General Assembly. “Today I took a […]
WEST CAPE MAY — Tensions arose as the Board of Commissioners reorganized Jan. 8. The seats on the board remain the same going into 2025, so the board followed a regular meeting structure. Mayor Carol […]